Shell – One PC, several users, Gnome 3 and Awesome. How to easy switch users via GDM


I'm using Arch Linux with Gnome 3.6 installed. There are several users on this PC with their own accounts. We used to use just switch user button instead of logging out. So almost always several users are logged in in our PC with their own set of running apps and etc.

I want to switch to Awesome and I want to save this. I want to be able to switch from my Awesome session to other user Gnome session without logout from my session. I want to use gnome-screen saver as screen saver in my Awesome WM session. And that's all. It is only 2 things that I want to save from Gnome.

Is it possible? What is the best practice for setting such things up?

Best Answer

I am using Fedora linux. Most people in our household use Gnome3 but I use Xmonad (which is similar to awesome, but better). This is no problem, as I have Xscreensaver running.

When Xscreensaver is started and saving the screen and you move the mouse, there are two options below the password entry field: New Login and OK. The last is for accepting the password to unlock the screensaver. The other one starts GDM on a new VT.

All of this worked out of the box. I just installed Fedora, then Xmonad and Xscreensaver. And I’ve set the option to lock the screen if Xscreensaver saves the screen. Because otherwise you don’t have the option for a new login but just quit the screensaver on mousemovement.

Maybe this is similarly easy to configure in Arch linux. Or maybe you could just crib from Fedora (or from a Fedora forum or I did not try if this works with Gnome-Screensaver somehow. But Xscreensaver anyway fits better to Xmonad.

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