ZSH – Make ZSH Prompt Show Mode in Vi Mode


I use bindkey -v (for bash-ers set -o vi I think that works in zsh too) or vi(m) mode. but it bugs me that I don't have any visual cue to tell me whether I'm in insert mode or command mode. Does anyone know how I can make my prompt display the mode?

Best Answer

I found this via SU. Here's the basic example, though I'm still customizing it for myself:

function zle-line-init zle-keymap-select {
    RPS1="${${KEYMAP/vicmd/-- NORMAL --}/(main|viins)/-- INSERT --}"
    zle reset-prompt

zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-keymap-select

I'd explain it except I don't really understand it yet

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