Shell – looping through JSON array in shell script


Below is the curl command output (file information about branch), need script or command to print file name, filetype and size.

I have tried with jq but was able fetch single value ( jq '.values[].size')

  "path": {
    "components": [],
    "name": "",
    "toString": ""
  "revision": "master",
  "children": {
    "size": 5,
    "limit": 500,
    "isLastPage": true,
    "values": [
        "path": {
          "components": [
          "parent": "",
          "name": ".gitignore",
          "extension": "gitignore",
          "toString": ".gitignore"
        "contentId": "c9e472ef4e603480cdd85012b01bd5f4eddc86c6",
        "type": "FILE",
        "size": 224
        "path": {
          "components": [
          "parent": "",
          "name": "Jenkinsfile",
          "toString": "Jenkinsfile"
        "contentId": "e878a88eed6b19b2eb0852c39bfd290151b865a4",
        "type": "FILE",
        "size": 1396
        "path": {
          "components": [
          "parent": "",
          "name": "",
          "extension": "md",
          "toString": ""
        "contentId": "05782ad495bfe11e00a77c30ea3ce17c7fa39606",
        "type": "FILE",
        "size": 237
        "path": {
          "components": [
          "parent": "",
          "name": "pom.xml",
          "extension": "xml",
          "toString": "pom.xml"
        "contentId": "9cd4887f8fc8c2ecc69ca08508b0f5d7b019dafd",
        "type": "FILE",
        "size": 2548
        "path": {
          "components": [
          "parent": "",
          "name": "src",
          "toString": "src"
        "node": "395c71003030308d1e4148b7786e9f331c269bdf",
        "type": "DIRECTORY"
    "start": 0

expected output should be something like below

.gitignore    FILE     224

Jenkinsfile   FILE     1396

Best Answer

For the use case provided in the Question, @JigglyNaga's answer is probably better than this, but for some more complicated task, you could also loop through the list items using keys:

from file:

for k in $(jq '.children.values | keys | .[]' file); do

or from string:

for k in $(jq '.children.values | keys | .[]' <<< "$MYJSONSTRING"); do

So e.g. you might use:

for k in $(jq '.children.values | keys | .[]' file); do
    value=$(jq -r ".children.values[$k]" file);
    name=$(jq -r '' <<< "$value");
    type=$(jq -r '.type' <<< "$value");
    size=$(jq -r '.size' <<< "$value");
    printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' "$name" "$type" "$size";
done | column -t -s$'\t'

if you have no newlines for the values, you can make it with a single jq call inside the loop which makes it much faster:

for k in $(jq '.children.values | keys | .[]' file); do
    IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' name type size \
        <<< "$(jq -r ".children.values[$k] |,.type,.size" file)"
    printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' "$name" "$type" "$size";
done | column -t -s$'\t'
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