Shell – Joining two files with unique identifier

awkcolumnsjoin;shell-scripttext processing

I have two files with approximately 12900 and 4400 entries respectively, that I want to join. The files contain location information for all landbased weather observing stations around the globe.
The largest file is updated biweekly, and the smaller once a year or so. The original files can be found here ( and The files I have are already manipulated by me with some mixed awk, sed, and bash script. I use the files to visualize data using the
GEMPAK package, that is freely available from Unidata. The largest file will work with GEMPAK, but only not with its full capability. For this a join is needed.

File 1 contains location information for weather observing stations, where the first 6 digits is the unique station identifier.
The different parameters (station number, station name, country code, latitude longitude, and station elevation) are defined only by its position in the line, i.e. no tabs.

         060090 AKRABERG FYR                        DN  6138   -666     101
         060100 VAGA FLOGHAVN                       DN  6205   -728      88
         060110 TORSHAVN                            DN  6201   -675      55
         060120 KIRKJA                              DN  6231   -631      55
         060130 KLAKSVIK HELIPORT                   DN  6221   -656      75
         060160 HORNS REV A                         DN  5550    786      21
         060170 HORNS REV B                         DN  5558    761      10
         060190 SILSTRUP                            DN  5691    863       0
         060210 HANSTHOLM                           DN  5711    858       0
         060220 TYRA OEST                           DN  5571    480      43
         060240 THISTED LUFTHAVN                    DN  5706    870       8
         060290 GROENLANDSHAVNEN                    DN  5703   1005       0
         060300 FLYVESTATION AALBORG                DN  5708    985      13
         060310 TYLSTRUP                            DN  5718    995       0
         060320 STENHOEJ                            DN  5736   1033      56
         060330 HIRTSHALS                           DN  5758    995       0
         060340 SINDAL FLYVEPLADS                   DN  5750   1021      28

File 2 contains the unique identifier in File 1 and a second, 4 character identifier (ICAO locator).

060100 EKVG
060220 EKGF
060240 EKTS
060300 EKYT
060340 EKSN
060480 EKHS
060540 EKHO
060600 EKKA
060620 EKSV
060660 EKVJ
060700 EKAH
060780 EKAT

I want to join the two files, so that the resulting file will have the 4 character identifier in the first 4 positions in the line, i.e. the identifier should replace the 4 spaces.

         060090 AKRABERG FYR                        DN  6138   -666     101
EKVG     060100 VAGA FLOGHAVN                       DN  6205   -728      88
         060110 TORSHAVN                            DN  6201   -675      55
         060120 KIRKJA                              DN  6231   -631      55
         060130 KLAKSVIK HELIPORT                   DN  6221   -656      75
         060160 HORNS REV A                         DN  5550    786      21
         060170 HORNS REV B                         DN  5558    761      10
         060190 SILSTRUP                            DN  5691    863       0
         060210 HANSTHOLM                           DN  5711    858       0
EKGF     060220 TYRA OEST                           DN  5571    480      43
EKTS     060240 THISTED LUFTHAVN                    DN  5706    870       8
         060290 GROENLANDSHAVNEN                    DN  5703   1005       0
EKYT     060300 FLYVESTATION AALBORG                DN  5708    985      13
         060310 TYLSTRUP                            DN  5718    995       0
         060320 STENHOEJ                            DN  5736   1033      56
         060330 HIRTSHALS                           DN  5758    995       0
EKSN     060340 SINDAL FLYVEPLADS                   DN  5750   1021      28

Is it possible to accomplish this task with some bash and/or awk script?

Best Answer

awk 'BEGIN { while(getline < "file2" ) { codes[$1] = $2 } }
     { printf "%4s%s\n", codes[$1], substr($0, 5) }' file1
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