Shell – n easy way to create a FreeBSD rc script


I have a FreeBSD jail in which I run a server using the command:

/usr/sbin/daemon /path/to/

At the moment I have to run this command every time I restart the machine and the jail starts. I'd like to have this command started from /etc/rc. Is there an easy way to create a FreeBSD rc script for a daemon command?

UPDATE: I read through this BSD documentation about rc scripts, and from that I created the following script in /etc/rc.d/pytivo:


. /etc/rc.subr


command="/usr/sbin/daemon -u jnet $procname"

load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

This works to start the python script I am wanting as a daemon when the jail starts… (given pytivo_enable="YES" is in /etc/rc.conf) but the rc script doesn't know if the daemon is running (it thinks it isn't when it is) and it gives a warning when I try to start it:

[root@meryl /home/jnet]# /etc/rc.d/pytivo start
[: /usr/sbin/daemon: unexpected operator
Starting pytivo.
[root@meryl /home/jnet]# 

So it's close, and it works, but I feel like I should be able to get better functionality than this.

Best Answer

command should not contain multiple words. This is the cause of the [ error you see. You should set any flags separately.

Also, you should use pytivo_user to set the running uid, and not daemon -u. See the rc.subr(8) man page for all these magic variables.

Also, you should let the rc subsystem know that pytivo is a Python script so that it can find the process when it checks to see if it's running.

Finally, you should use the idiomatic set_rcvar for rcvar.

Something like this (I'm not sure this is the right Python path):



. /etc/rc.subr

start_cmd="/usr/sbin/daemon -u $pytivo_user $command"

load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"
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