Shell Wildcards – Why Wildcard Character * Differs Between Zip and RM Commands


I put together a script to do some file operations for me. I am using the wild card operator * to apply functions to all files of a type, but there is one thing I don't get. I can unzip all files in a folder like this

unzip "*".zip

However, to remove all zip files afterward, I need to do

rm *.zip

That is, it does not want the quotation marks. The unzip, on the other hand, does not work if I just give it the * (gives me a warning that "files were not matched").

Why is this different? To me, this seems like the exact same operation. Or am I using the wild card incorrectly?

Introductions to the wild card in Unix do not really go into this, and I could not locate anything in the rm or zip docs.

I am using the terminal on a Mac (Yosemite).

Best Answer

You've explained the situation very well. The final piece to the puzzle is that unzip can handle wildcards itself:




Wildcard expressions are similar to those supported in commonly used Unix shells (sh, ksh, csh) and may contain:

* matches a sequence of 0 or more characters

By quoting the * wildcard, you prevented your shell from expanding it, so that unzip sees the wildcard and deals with expanding it according to its own logic.

rm, by contrast, does not support wildcards on its own, so attempting to quote a wildcard will instruct rm to look for a literal asterisk in the filename instead.

The reason that unzip *.zip does not work is that unzip's syntax simply does not allow for multiple zip files; if there are multiple parameters, it expects the 2nd and subsequent ones to be files in the archive:

unzip [-Z] [-cflptTuvz[abjnoqsCDKLMUVWX$/:^]] file[.zip] [file(s) ...] [-x xfile(s) ...] [-d exdir]

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