Shell – Is it possible to transfer a file from a Linux Bash script to Windows without mounting the server folder


I am writing a script (Bash) to transfer files from my local Linux machine to Windows servers.
The Windows servers are accessible normally using the SAMBA shares, and I am able to mount a folder to my Linux machine using the mount.cifs command with the proper Windows credentials.

Because I do not want to mount every server in advance nor mounting dynamically using sudo (the script is executed as a normal user, not root), I am just wondering if the server can be accessed by another means, like a TCP pipe or a similar way.

For example, under Windows I can mount my server's folder to a drive letter using the net use command, but as well without having being mounted like this:

c:> net use \\ passwd123 /user:domain\myuser
c:> cp d:\ \\\d$\temp\destination

And if I make a net use, I can see the open connection (without letter assigned):

    Status       Local     Remote                    Network
OK                     \\\IPC$
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

I do not want to install sshd nor ftpd on the Windows Server. I am looking to do it only with the SMB protocol. As a fallback I will execute a mount like sudo mount.cifs [options] /mnt/temp-folder and sudo umount /tmp/temp-folder after the copy of the files.

Best Answer

You can use the smbclient program to give you an FTP-like interface to the Windows file share without having to install FTP on the Windows machine.

Here follows some examples:

Transfer file from local (unix/linux) to Windows:

smbclient //$ <password> -W -U <my-user> -c "put file-local.xml folder1\folder2\file.xml"

Transfer file from Windows to Linux:

There are two options, the first is using the command 'get' with smbclient and a the second, a shortest one: smbget:

1. smbclient: `smbclient //$ <password> -W -U <my-user> -c "get folder1\folder2\file.xml file-local.xml"`
2. smbget: `smbget -u <my-user> -p <password> -w -o destination-file.txt smb://$/folder1/folder2/source-file.txt`
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