Unix – Why is ‘.’ a Hard Link in Unix?

directoryfilesystemshard linkshell

I've seen many explanations for why the link count for an empty directory in Unix based OSes is 2 instead of 1. They all say that it's because of the '.' directory, which every directory has pointing back to itself. I understand why having some concept of '.' is useful for specifying relative paths, but what is gained by implementing it at the filesystem level? Why not just have shells or the system calls that take paths know how to interpret it?

That '..' is a real link makes much more sense to me — the filesystem needs to store a pointer back to the parent directory in order to navigate to it. But I don't see why '.' being a real link is necessary. It also seems like it leads to an ugly special case in the implementation — you would think you could only free the space used by inodes that have a link count less than 1, but if they're directories, you actually need to check for a link count less than 2. Why the inconsistency?

Best Answer

An interesting question, indeed. At first glance I see the following advantages:

First of all you state that interpreting "." as the current directory may be done by the Shell or by system calls. But having the dot-entry in the directory actually removes this necessity and forces consistency at even a lower level.

But I don't think that this was the basic idea behind this design decision.

When a file is being created or removed from a directory, the directory's modification time stamp has to be updated, too. This timestamp is stored in its inode. The inode number is stored in the corresponding directory entry.

IF the dot entry would not be there, the routines would have to search for the inode number at the entry for this directory in the parent directory, which would cause a directory search again.

BUT luckily there is the dot entry in the current directory. The routine that adds or removes a file in the current directory just has to jump back to the first entry (where the dot-entry usually resides) and immediately has found the inode number for the current directory.

There is a third nice thing about the dot entry:

When fsck checks a rotten filesystem and has to deal with non-connected blocks that are also not on the free list, it's easy for it to verify if a data block (when interpreted as a directory list) has a dot entry that's pointing to an inode which in turn points back to this data block. If so, this data block may be considered as a lost directory which has to be reconnected.

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