Shell – Insert a newline after a broken sequence of numbers awk/unix/shell scripting

awkshell-scripttext processing

I have a huge file to process and I could not manage to get exactly what I need.
Please note that I do not know before hand how many times this occurs in one file (e.g., could happen > 1000 times per files).

Below is my input file (TAB delimited), where $1 is the line number. The broken sequence of numbers occurs at $3:

797  47 M797    1     365.0     0.05     0.05 A 0.825
798  47 M798    1     365.0     0.05     0.05 A 0.825
799  47 M799    1     365.0     0.70     0.70 A 0.404
800  47 M800    1     365.0     0.00     0.00 A 0.990
801  47 M802    1     365.0     0.29     0.29 A 0.591
802  47 M803    1     365.0     0.12     0.12 A 0.726

This is what I want:

797  47 M797    1     365.0     0.05     0.05 A 0.825
798  47 M798    1     365.0     0.05     0.05 A 0.825
799  47 M799    1     365.0     0.70     0.70 A 0.404
800  47 M800    1     365.0     0.00     0.00 A 0.990
802  47 M802    1     365.0     0.29     0.29 A 0.591
803  47 M803    1     365.0     0.12     0.12 A 0.726

This is the code I manage to write so far (filename is

awk '
   { if (FNR < marker) {printf "\n"}
    }' ${1}

This is the output I got so far:

797       47 M797   1     365.0     0.05     0.05 A 0.825
798       47 M798   1     365.0     0.05     0.05 A 0.825
799       47 M799   1     365.0     0.70     0.70 A 0.404
800       47 M800   1     365.0     0.00     0.00 A 0.990
801       47 M802   1     365.0     0.29     0.29 A 0.591

802       47 M803    1    365.0     0.12     0.12 A 0.726

803       47 M804    1    365.0     0.08     0.08 A 0.777

If anyone has a better solution for this, please let me know.

Best Answer

You are tagged as awk, hopefully Python will be useful.


# !/usr/bin/python
import sys

def print_fixed_sequence(filename, line_num=0):
    with open(filename, 'rU') as f:
        for line in (x.strip() for x in f):
            _, f1, f2, data = line.split('\t', 3)
            rec_num = int(f2[1:])
            while line_num != rec_num:
                line_num += 1
            print('\t'.join((str(line_num), f1, f2, data)))
            line_num += 1

print_fixed_sequence(sys.argv[1], line_num=795)


797 47  M797    1   365.0   0.05    0.05    A   0.825
798 47  M798    1   365.0   0.05    0.05    A   0.825
799 47  M799    1   365.0   0.70    0.70    A   0.404
800 47  M800    1   365.0   0.00    0.00    A   0.990
802 47  M802    1   365.0   0.29    0.29    A   0.591
803 47  M803    1   365.0   0.12    0.12    A   0.726
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