Shell – How to write a simple mutter plugin


I want to create a very simple Desktop Environment using mutter or libmutter.
I found out that mutter is a very simple wm but it can only be customized if I write a plugin for it. so I want to create a gnome-shell like plugin for mutter which would only tweak some window animation styles. but I am very new to creating such a thing so I would want to know how to get started.

I would want it to be as simple as possible and possible in a single script file (as I want to tweak very little) .. also how do I compile it and make it to start like gnome-shell does.?

Best Answer

I was looking for an alternative to Gnome which would be built on Mutter, that's how I got here. If you find such thing please let me know.

Here is the documentation for Mutter, it contains a reference for developers, it might help:

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