Shell – How to wait for the copying process (cp) to finish

cpprocessraspberry pishell-script

I want my RPi 2 (with MiniBian (a minimal version of Debian-based Raspbian OS) as its OS) to execute a script when it detects a USB flash memory is inserted. So this is what I have done:

I created /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usbstick.rules with these contents:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd*" SYMLINK+="usbflash", RUN+="/path/to/"

And then created /path/to/ with these contents:


mount /dev/usbflash /mnt/

service omxd stop

rm -r /path/to/myfolder/*
cp -f /mnt/*.mp4 /path/to/myfolder/
cp -f /mnt/*.avi /path/to/myfolder/

sleep 1
umount /dev/usbflash


Now, when I insert a USB flash memory, it recognizes it, mounts it, stops the omxd daemon and removes all the older files.

But the problems is that it shuts down (halt) before all the files have been copied. I check later and see that only 1 file has been copied, and it has not been copied correctly, like the halt command has been executed at the middle of the copying procedure.

So, I decided to use wait command to ensure that the halt command be executed only at the end. I edited the /path/to/ file as this:


mount /dev/usbflash /mnt/

PID1 = $!
wait PID1

service omxd stop

rm -r /path/to/myfolder/*

PID2 = $!
wait PID2

cp -f /mnt/*.mp4 /path/to/myfolder/

PID3 = $!
wait PID3

cp -f /mnt/*.avi /path/to/myfolder/

PID4 = $!
wait PID4

sleep 1
umount /dev/usbflash

PID5 = $!
wait PID5


But again the same scenario happens: the system halts at the middle of the copying procedure.

So what's wrong with my system?

What shall I do to tell the system to halt only after all the new files have been successfully copied !?

Update 1

Adding sync before umount and halt didn't work. The same scenario happens again.

Update 2

I edited the /path/to/ file as the following:

mkdir -p /mnt/usb
if mount /dev/usbflash /mnt/usb
    service omxd stop
    rm -r /path/to/myfolder/*
    cp -f /mnt/usb/*.mp4 /path/to/myfolder/
    cp -f /mnt/usb/*.avi /path/to/myfolder/
    umount /mnt/usb
    shutdown -h now

But it didn't help either! The same scenario happens again! And this time it was worse: it didn't copy any file at all!

Update 3

I changed the /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usbstick.rules to the following:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]1" SYMLINK+="usbflash", RUN+="/path/to/"

Now it works great. It copies all the files. But there's a new problem: It doesn't shut down!

Update 4

I found something new:

When I run directly from the terminal, it works perfect: removes the older files, copies the new files, and shuts down the system. Perfect.

So, why doesn't it execute perfectly when I call it from udev rules?

And is there any other way to shut down the system after it has copied the files !?

Best Answer

I don't know why changing the kernel name would have made a difference (perhaps sd*1 runs after sd* allowing a bit more time for work to get done?), but udev doesn't like long-running actions in events:

Starting daemons or other long running processes is not appropriate for udev; the forked processes, detached or not, will be unconditionally killed after the event handling has finished.

Original nohup suggestion

I originally suggested nohup before fully reading my own links :) -- which suggest that this may not actually work

udev rule:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]1" SYMLINK+="usbflash", RUN+="/path/to/" (Note: if you don't redirect the output nohup may litter your directory with a nohup.out file):

nohup /path/to/ >/log/myscript.log 2>&1 &

Then can be what it is.

Newer systemd suggestion

The third link below suggests firing off a systemd service when the device is plugged in. That blog entry does more work than I think you need due to ensuring that the device information is passed to the service, I think you can get away with simply using systemd as your method of daemonization:

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]1" SYMLINK+="usbflash", RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl start my-usb-backup.service"

With a simple oneshot service my-usb-backup.service:

Description=run myscript

See also: