Shell Commands – How to Use Pushd and Popd Commands


What are the practical uses of both pushd and popd when there is an advantage of using these two commands over cd and cd -?

EDIT: I'm looking for some practical examples of uses for both of these commands or reasons for keeping stack with directories (when you have tab completion, cd -, aliases for shortening cd .., etc.).

Best Answer

pushd, popd, and dirs are shell builtins which allow you manipulate the directory stack. This can be used to change directories but return to the directory from which you came.

For example

start up with the following directories:

$ pwd
$ ls
dir1  dir2  dir3

pushd to dir1

$ pushd dir1
~/somedir/dir1 ~/somedir
$ dirs
~/somedir/dir1 ~/somedir

dirs command confirms that we have 2 directories on the stack now. dir1 and the original dir, somedir. NOTE: Our "current" directory is ~/somedir/dir1.

pushd to ../dir3 (because we're inside dir1 now)

$ pushd ../dir3
~/somedir/dir3 ~/somedir/dir1 ~/somedir
$ dirs
~/somedir/dir3 ~/somedir/dir1 ~/somedir
$ pwd

dirs shows we have 3 directories in the stack now. dir3, dir1, and somedir. Notice the direction. Every new directory is getting added to the left. When we start popping directories off, they'll come from the left as well.

manually change directories to ../dir2

$ cd ../dir2
$ pwd
$ dirs
~/somedir/dir2 ~/somedir/dir1 ~/somedir

Now start popping directories

$ popd
~/somedir/dir1 ~/somedir
$ pwd

Notice we popped back to dir1.

Pop again...

$ popd
$ pwd

And we're back where we started, somedir.

Might get a little confusing, but the head of the stack is the directory that you're currently in. Hence when we get back to somedir, even though dirs shows this:

$ dirs

Our stack is in fact empty.

$ popd
bash: popd: directory stack empty
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