Shell – How to unset a variable at the command line


I have tried the following command to set Proxy on yaourt:

export ALL_PROXY=

The question is how to unset the proxy on yaourt?
In general, how can I unset the value of a variable in the current shell?

Best Answer

To remove an environment variable, run


Note that an environment variable only takes effect in a program and the program it launches. If you set an environment variable in one shell window, it doesn't affect other shell windows.

If you've added export ALL_PROXY=… to an initialization file, remove it from there.

You can run export with no arguments to see what environment variables are set in the current shell.

Remember that to make a shell variable available to the programs started by that shell, you need to export it, either by running export VAR after the assignment VAR=VALUE or by combining the two (export VAR=VALUE).

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