Shell – How to type in password for multiple windows


I have a script that starts my vagrant machine, opens up multiple terminals and connects to the vagrant machine via ssh in every newly opened terminal. My problem is that I need about five terminals, and I don't want to type in the password for each terminal manually. Is there a way to get prompted for the password only once in the main terminal, and use the same password for the ssh command?

cd /home/kkri/public_html/freitag/vagrant
vagrant up
for run in $(seq 1 $1)
  gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=dark -e "ssh vagrant@localhost -p 2222" --$
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=git          
echo "~~~ Have fun! ~~~"

Best Answer

In general (ignoring vagrant or other system-specific details) your best bet is to set up authentication with SSH keys, and run ssh-agent. Then open the ssh sessions with something like:

# load the key to the agent with a 10 s timeout
# this asks for the key passphrase
ssh-add -t10  ~/.ssh/id_rsa  
for x in 1 2 3 ; do 
    ssh .... 

Or, if you can't use keys, you could rig something up with sshpass.

read -p "Enter password: " -s SSHPASS ; echo
for x in 1 2 3 ; do 
    sshpass -e ssh ...

Though with the terminal in the middle, this would leave the password set in the terminal's environment. To work around that, you could save the password temporarily in a file:

read -p "Enter password: " -s SSHPASS ; echo
cat <<< "$SSHPASS" > "$PWFILE"
for x in 1 2 3 ; do 
    sshpass -f "$PWFILE" ssh ...
shred --remove "$PWFILE"

This still isn't optimal since there's a chance the password hits the disk, so keys would be better.

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