Shell – How to process a while-do loop and sort the iterated output


I'm very new at Bash Scripting so forgive my ignorance. I have a text file with last names that I am reading and processing line-by-line an average of three test scores. I need to output the lines sorted by last name. Here is what I have to compute the average, with a variable named OUTTOSORT that I was trying to pass to sort before being output.


while read -r SID FIRST LAST S1 S2 S3
    SUM=$(expr $S1 + $S2 + $S3)
    AVG=$(expr $SUM / 3)
done < "$FILE"


When run:

engr2-6-52-dhcp:homework6 Matt$ ./ 
./ line 10: : No such file or directory
./ line 12: $OUTTOSORT: ambiguous redirect

Any suggestions on how to sort these lines after computing the average would be very helpful. Thanks!


Thanks very much for your answers! I now have a problem where it's not sorting by the field I specify however:

while read -r SID FIRST LAST S1 S2 S3 
    SUM=$(expr $S1 + $S2 + $S3)
    AVG=$(expr $SUM / 3)
    printf '%d [%d] %s, %s (%d)\n' "$AVG" "$SID" "$LAST" "$FIRST" "$COUNT"
    COUNT=$((COUNT + 1))
done < "$FILE" | sort -k 3,3n -k 4,4n -k 2,2g


71 [299226663] Camp, Laney (5)
80 [434401929] Camp, Skyler (6)
81 [199144454] Camp, Tracey (4)
82 [123456789] Johnson, Lee (0)
82 [928441032] Forester, Jess (7)
91 [999999999] Smith, Jaime (1)
92 [888111818] Forney, JC (2)
93 [928441032] Forester, Chris (8)
99 [290010111] Lee, Terry (3)

As you can see, it is sorting by average score instead of by Last name, First name, SID. I added a counter to confirm it was sorting across the lines of the output. What error is causing the sort to not use the correct keys? Thanks!


Solution to sort problem found: type flags for last name and first name should be d instead of n, making the sort command the while loop command pipes to sort -k 3,3d -k 4,4d -k 2,2g.

Best Answer

You can print the results to standard output, then pipe them to the sort command:

while read -r SID FIRST LAST S1 S2 S3
     SUM=$(expr $S1 + $S2 + $S3)
     AVG=$(expr $SUM / 3)
     printf '%d [%d] %s, %s\n' "$AVG" "$SID" "$LAST" "$FIRST"
done < "$FILE" | sort
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