Shell – How to parse table for pattern if pattern includes spaces

shell-scripttext processing

A continuation of this question: parse first column of command output, get corresponding second column value
Say I have a command that outputs a string formatted as a table, as shown below.
What if the "pattern" I am looking for includes spaces? For example, if the table is:

First Characteristic:     b
Second Characteristic:    89.4
Version:                  58.93
Name of Device:           myDevice
Name of Device Load:      myDevice-load-123abc

What if I want to get the value next to "Name of Device Load" in the table above?

To clarify, I know the value I am looking for is next to "Name of Device Load." I do not know that it is in the 5th row of the output, and I do not know anything about what that value would look like (So I can't try pattern matching with something like "-load-", for example).

Best Answer

What about this :

grep "Name of Device Load:" your_file.txt| cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d " "

This only keeps the line you are interested in, separates it into two fields (works only if : is only present once per line), then remove spaces.

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