Shell Files Output – How to Output Text to Both Screen and File Inside a Shell Script


Currently I have a shell script which logs messages to a log file like this:

echo "some text" >> $log_file
echo "more text" >> $log_file

When executing this script, there is no output to screen, and, since I'm connecting to the server via putty, I have to open another connection and do "tail -f log_file_path.log", because I can't terminate the running script and I want to see the output in real time.

Obviously, what I want is that the text messages are printed on screen and into file, but I'd like to do it in one line, not two lines, one of which has no redirection to file.

How to achieve this?

Best Answer

This works:

command | tee -a "$log_file"

tee saves input to a file (use -a to append rather than overwrite), and copies the input to standard output as well.

Because the command can detect that it's now being run in a non-interactive fashion this may change its behaviour. The most common side effect is that it disables colour output. If this happens (and you want ANSI colour coded output) you have to check the command documentation to see if it has a way to force it to revert to the interactive behaviour, such as grep --color=always. Beware that this means the log file will also include these escape codes, and you'll need to use less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS "$log_file" to read it without distracting escape code literals. Also beware that there is no way to make the log file contents different from what is printed to screen when running the above command, so you can't have colour coded output to screen and non-coloured output in the log file.

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