Shell – How to monitor all outgoing requests/connections from the machine

command linenetworkingSecurityshell-script

My machine is a server so I want to ignore connections being made to my server (e.g. when someone visits my website). I want to see only connections/requests being made by my server to other places.

How do I see only those outgoing connections?

EDIT: I'm new to these type of things. What I'm trying to do is just see if anything from my server is being sent out other than data for my web apps. For example, if someone visits my websites, then obviously my server will send out data to the client's browser. But suppose there's also code somewhere in my web app's framework that sends statistical data to somewhere else I'm not aware of. I'd like to see those places my server is sending data to, if any. It's probably not likely, but suppose you decide to use a php or nodejs framework that you didn't write: there's a small chance it may send some type of data somewhere. If so, that's what I'd like to see.

Best Answer

Use netstat. For example

$ netstat -nputw
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED 32663/sshd: gert [p

lists all UDP (u), TCP (t) and RAW (w) outgoing connections (not using l or a) in a numeric form (n, prevents possible long-running DNS queries) and includes the program (p) associated with that.

Consider adding the c option to get output being updated continuously.

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