Shell – How to kill a particular thread of a process


$ ps -e -T | grep myp | grep -v grep
  797   797 ?        00:00:00 myp
  797   798 ?        00:00:00 myp
  797   799 ?        00:00:00 myp
  797   800 ?        00:00:00 myp

This shows the process myp with PID = 797 and four threads with different SPIDs.

How can I kill a particular thread of the process without killing the whole process. I understand that it might not be possible at all in some cases when there are fatal dependencies on that particular thread. But, is it possible in any case? Is yes, how?

I tried kill 799 and the process itself was terminated. Now I am not sure this was because there were dependencies that made myp fail without the process 800 or because kill is simple not able to kill individual processes.

Best Answer

Threads are an integral part of the process and cannot be killed outside it. There is the pthread_kill function but it only applies in the context of the thread itself. From the docs at the link:

Note that pthread_kill() only causes the signal to be handled in the context of the given thread; the signal action (termination or stopping) affects the process as a whole.