Shell – How to get this script file’s functions to load without having to source it every time? “command not found” (Bash/scripting basics)


How can I get this script file's functions to load without having to source it every time?

I created a file foo with script functions I'd like to run. It's in /usr/bin, which is in the PATH.

File foo:

echo "Running foo"

function x {
    echo "x"

However, when I type a function name like x in the terminal:
x: command not found

When I type foo:
Running foo shows up (so the file is in PATH and is executable)

After typing source foo, I can type x to run function x

A pretty basic question, I know. I'm just trying to abstract my scripts so they're more manageable (compared to dumping everything in .profile or .bashrc).

Best Answer

mikeserv's answer is good for the details of what goes on "behind the scenes", but I feel another answer here is warranted as it doesn't contain a simple usable answer to the exact title question:

How can I get this script file's functions to load without having to source it every time?

The answer is: Source it from your .bashrc or your .bash_profile so it is available in each shell you run.

For example, I have the following in my .bash_profile:

if [ -d ~/.bash_functions ]; then
  for file in ~/.bash_functions/*.sh; do
    . "$file"
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