Shell – How to get the latest GNOME shell in Fedora


I want to try gnome-shell 3.5 but I don't see it in the repos, I'm using Fedora 17, is there any way adding gnome-shell 3.5 to my repos?

Please note the question was asked on Aug 2012. Now I'm using Fedora 18 with gnome-shell 3.6 as on 29th Jan 2013.
What I meant was how to install the latest from gnome-development. I see that as of today GNOME shell 3.7 something is the latest but Fedora has 3.6 in its repos.
That's what my question is about, how to get the latest.

Best Answer

[At this point] GNOME 3.18 is the latest version, released in September 2015. You can try it [using this specific openSUSE live image; follow the instructions below to install it to a USB stick]. --

Alternatively, run the ISO download using your favorite virtual machine software (cough, GNOME Boxes). Disclaimer: very limited hardware access, including no 3D acceleration for GNOME Shell.

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