Shell – How to delete the files in one folder which are more than 60 days old in UNIX


I know how to delete the files which are more than 60 days old by modification time, but I want to delete files based on a timestamp in the file name.

For example, I have the below files for each day on monthly basis, and I have these files for last 3 years.


I'd like to write a script find the all files which are more than 60 days old (based on file name) and delete them all except for last file of each month. For example in January I want to delete all but vtm_data_12month_20140131.txt. The issue here is there is a chance that I might have files received for January 30th so in that case I should not delete the latest file but I have to delete the rest.

Please advise me how can I achieve this via shell script?

Best Answer

OK, I have remade this script, and by sorting it backwards it looks like it should work. It compares the year and month to the previous one, and if it is lower it should be the last entry for that month.


#the tac reverses the listing, so we go from newest to oldest, vital for our logic below
FILES=`ls | tac`

#create a cutoff date by taking current date minus our 60 day limit
CUTOFFDATE=`date --date="60 days ago" +%Y%m%d`

#we are setting this value to month 13 of the current year 

for file in $FILES; do

    #get datestamp
    FILEDATE=`expr match "$file" '.*\(20[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)'`

    #get year and month, ie 201410

    if [ ! -z $FILEDATE ] && [ $THISYEARMONTH -lt $LASTYEARMONTH ]; then

            echo "$file IS THE LAST FILE OF THE MONTH. NOT DELETING"


            #now we see if the file is older than 60 days (ie, has a LOWER unix timestamp than our cutoff)
            if [ ! -z $FILEDATE ] && [ $FILEDATE -lt $CUTOFFDATE ]; then

                    echo "$file has a file date of $FILEDATE which is older than 60 days."

                    #uncomment this next line to remove
                    #rm $file
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