Shell – How to cat files together, adding missing newlines at end of some files

catnewlinesshelltext processing

I have a bunch of .text files, most of which end with the standard nl.

A couple don't have any terminator at end. The last physical byte is (generally) an alphameric character.

I was using cat *.text >| /tmp/joined.text, but then noticed a couple of places in joined.text where the first line of a file appeared at the end of the last line of a previous file. Inspecting the previous file, I saw there wasn't a line terminator — concatenation explained.

That raised the question, what's the easiest way to concatenate, sticking in the missing newline? What about these options?

  1. A solution that might effectively add a blank line to some input files. For me, that's not a problem as the processing of joined.text can handle it.
  2. A solution that adds the cr/fl only to files that do not already end that way.

Best Answer

Another command that can add newlines if needed is awk, so:

awk 1 ./*.txt

The 1 here is the simplest way to get a true condition in awk, which works for this purpose since awk default action on true conditions is to print the input lines.

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