Shell – how does POSIX shell grammar accept FOO=bar foobar


How does the POSIX shell grammar

accept a simple command with assignment such as:

FOO=bar foobar

The first word here must be accepted as token ASSIGNMENT_WORD by Rule 7b (although this rule is not specified explicitly to apply to the productions involving ASSIGNMENT_WORD , but I guess that is understood).

Then there is no way to accept the second word. The only way to try to reduce it would be with cmd_word production, but that requires Rule 7b to say this is a WORD and Rule 7b does not say anything about words that do not contain =.

One has to add to Rule 7b a statement such as:

If the TOKEN does not contain `=` then it is a `WORD`.  

Without this, the grammar as written currently is faulty. Am I correct?

Best Answer

The grammar will only assign one word; successive words after that will be treated as a command.

Keep in mind that the rule you are citing refers to a TOKEN, and that cannot contain an unquoted space. See 2.3 Token Recognition, e.g.,

  1. If the current character is an unquoted <blank>, any token containing the previous character is delimited and the current character shall be discarded.
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