Shell – GUI input for shell script


I have a shell script which installs a program in RedHat. I need to add a GUI for entering some parameters so that it looks like an installation wizard . I tried Xdialog, Zenity, and Yad, but they each only support a single data input per window; I need to display all the steps in a single window. What can I use to do that?

Best Answer

Bash wasn't realy designed with this kind of persistence in mind. Nonetheless you need to use full-blown GTK. You could either code your GUI in an actual programming language (C, C++, Python, etc) designing with a bash interface in mind like some D-Bus or other IPC mechanism to communicate with the running application.

Or you could code GTK directly in Bash with the use of a some binding such as

EDIT: Just an opinion, but the second option feels like a bit of an overkill to me.

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