Shell – Gnome-tweak-tool — cannot read Typing Options due to ellipsized text


I would like to use the gnome-tweak tool to remap some of my modifier keys (alt/win/meta/super or how they're all called..)

My problem is that I can't really read what the options in the drop down menu are doing (see picture, there is no tooltip which would tell me what is behind those dots). It would be /very/ helpful if someone could help me out some way (e.g. a screenshot of your system if you can read them, some official list or a tip how I could make them readable)

enter image description here

EDIT: My gnome version is 3.14.1, OS debian jessie.

Best Answer

This is a known bug and it's already fixed in git.
If you don't want to wait until 3.18 will be available in debian repos you have two options:

  • the quick and dirty hack:
    close tweak-tool and as root, open /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtweak/tweaks/

    look for a line like

       renderer.props.max_width_chars = 30

    and change the width as per your taste, e.g.

       renderer.props.max_width_chars = 100

    save changes then restart tweak-tool.

  • patch the above mentioned file using the diff from here; result:

    enter image description here

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