Shell – Gnome shell – alt-tab prioritize current workspace


Is there a way to tweak the alt-tab behaviour in Gnome Shell to prioritize the current workspace? Currently, alt-tab prioritizes windows used most recently, instead of windows in the current workspace.

I know how to restrict alt-tab to the current workspace, but I'm looking to prioritize the current workspace, not make it exclusive. I found that the Coverflow extension does what I want – it has an option "All workspaces, current first" – but this extension removes the default application grouping behaviour, and does not offer an option to restore it.

There is an identical question here and here, so not optimistic about finding a solution, but figured I'd ask just in case. This used to be the default behaviour on Gnome Shell 3.4, so kinda surprised that there isn't a way to do that any more.

Best Answer

There is a gnome shell extension which seems to do this. It is called "Alt-Tab Current Workspace First", and can be downloaded/installed from (However I have not tested it and I do not know whether this extension falls back to the ungrouped alt-tab from the "AlternateTab" extension)

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