Shell – Get current screen brightness level


The brightness keys on my laptop work ok, and gnome shell displays a level bar when changing it.

But the level bar doesn't display any values (absolute nor relative).

How can I retrieve the current brightness value?

Say – e.g. for scripting purposes – to be able to restore it later, in a reliable fashion.

Use case: for example, you created a color profile at a certain brightness level – and after temporarily changing it around you want to go back to this well-defined fixed point.

Best Answer

You can do that via GNOME Settings Daemon which is responsible for configuring the screen brightness (and many other session-wide parameters). To access the brightness settings you'll have to use the corresponding gsd helper: gsd-backlight-helper (use --help to see all options).

To get the current brightness level, run:

/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-backlight-helper --get-brightness
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