shell – How to Find Current Working Directory of a Running Process

command linecwdprocessshell

What command(s) can one use to find out the current working directory (CWD) of a running process? These would be commands you could use externally from the process.

Best Answer

There are 3 methods that I'm aware of:


$ pwdx <PID>


$ lsof -p <PID> | grep cwd


$ readlink -e /proc/<PID>/cwd


Say we have this process.

$ pgrep nautilus

Then if we use pwdx:

$ pwdx 12136
12136: /home/saml

Or you can use lsof:

$ lsof -p 12136 | grep cwd
nautilus 12136 saml  cwd    DIR              253,2    32768  10354689 /home/saml

Or you can poke directly into the /proc:

$ readlink -e /proc/12136/cwd/
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