Shell – Find and replace with contents of a file

filesshell-scripttext processing

I have a file that begins with a few "include" statements, like this:

do c
do d

Suppose the file contains do a and the file contains do b. How can I write a script that replaces each include statement with the contexts of I want to end up with the following output:

do a
do b
do c
do d

I tried the solution in "Replace string with contents of a file using sed" but there the filename is hard-coded. I would like the filename to be dynamically generated, depending on the include argument.

Best Answer

Here's a simple recursive version with awk. You must create a script in your PATH with

awk '
$1=="include" && NF>=2 {
   system("'$0' " $2)
{print}' "$@"

It assumes filenames have no special chars (including spaces) in them. The awk checks the first word for include, then calls the script to process the file given as 2nd word. Other lines are printed. Note that the $0 here is outside the single quotes of the awk, so is a shell $0, ie the script name.

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