Shell – Fastest way to sum Nth column in text file

awksedshell-scripttext processing

I have a CSV file (in which the field separator is indeed comma) with 8 columns and a few million rows. Here's a sample:


What's the fastest way to print the sum of all numbers in a given column, as well as the number of lines read? Can you explain what makes it faster?

Best Answer

GNU datamash

$ datamash -t, count 3 sum 3 < file

Some testing

$ time gawk -F',' '{ sum += $3 } END{ print sum, NR }' longfile
604720000000 3000000

real    0m2.851s
user    0m2.784s
sys     0m0.068s

$ time mawk -F',' '{ sum += $3 } END{ print sum, NR }' longfile
6.0472e+11 3000000

real    0m0.967s
user    0m0.920s
sys     0m0.048s

$ time perl -F, -nle '$sum += $F[2] }{ print "$.,$sum"' longfile

real    0m3.394s
user    0m3.364s
sys     0m0.036s

$ time { cut -d, -f3 <longfile |paste -s -d+ - |bc ; }

real    0m1.679s
user    0m1.416s
sys     0m0.248s

$ time datamash -t, count 3 sum 3 < longfile

real    0m0.815s
user    0m0.716s
sys     0m0.036s

So mawk and datamash appear to be the pick of the bunch.

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