Shell – Extract text including parens

sedshell-scripttext processing

I have some text like this:

Sentence #1 (n tokens):
Blah Blah Blah
( #start first set here
 ... (other possible parens and text here)
 ) #end first set here


Sentence #2 (n tokens):

I want to extract the second set of parens (including everything in between) ,i.e.,

 ... (other possible parens here)

Is there a bash way to do this. I tried the simple


Best Answer

This will do it. There's probably a better way, but this is the first approach that came to mind:

echo 'Sentence #1 (n tokens):
Blah Blah Blah
 ... (other possible parens here)


Sentence #2 (n tokens):
' | perl -0777 -nE '
    $wanted = 2; 
    $level = 0; 
    $text = ""; 
    for $char (split //) {
        $level++ if $char eq "(";
        $text .= $char if $level > 0;
        if ($char eq ")") {
            if (--$level == 0) {
                if (++$n == $wanted) { 
                    say $text;


 ... (other possible parens here)
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