Shell Command-Line – Execute Command Through SSH

command linequotingshellssh

I am writing a script to check whether all the servers in my organization are functioning properly. One of those is Zimbra mail server. I am trying to send a mail through sendmail provided by zimbra package using the following command

ssh Jarvice@someip echo "Hello" | /opt/zimbra/postfix-

But I am unable to do so. I think I am making some mistake in the

echo "Hello" | /opt/zimbra/postfix-

part. But I don't know what it is. Can someone tell me the correct way to do so? Since I am doing this through a script, I have made sure that I can ssh without providing the password. I wish to fully automate the process.

Best Answer

Your local shell is dividing your command into ssh ... and /opt/zimbra ..., and then piping the two.

You have to quote the argument to ssh, so your local shell won't try to interpret it and it will be sent to the remote computer in its entirety:

ssh Jarvice@someip "echo \"Hello\" | /opt/zimbra/postfix-"
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