Shell Script – Why ‘Set -e’ Doesn’t Work in Subshells with OR List


I've run across some scripting like this recently:

( set -e ; do-stuff; do-more-stuff; ) || echo failed

This looks fine to me, but it does not work! The set -e does not apply, when you add the ||. Without that, it works fine:

$ ( set -e; false; echo passed; ); echo $?

However, if I add the ||, the set -e is ignored:

$ ( set -e; false; echo passed; ) || echo failed

Using a real, separate shell works as expected:

$ sh -c 'set -e; false; echo passed;' || echo failed

I've tried this in multiple different shells (bash, dash, ksh93) and all behave the same way, so it's not a bug. Can someone explain this?

Best Answer

According to this thread, it's the behavior POSIX specifies for using "set -e" in a subshell.

(I was surprised as well.)

First, the behavior:

The -e setting shall be ignored when executing the compound list following the while, until, if, or elif reserved word, a pipeline beginning with the ! reserved word, or any command of an AND-OR list other than the last.

The second post notes,

In summary, shouldn't set -e in (subshell code) operate independently of the surrounding context?

No. The POSIX description is clear that surrounding context affects whether set -e is ignored in a subshell.

There's a little more in the fourth post, also by Eric Blake,

Point 3 is not requiring subshells to override the contexts where set -e is ignored. That is, once you are in a context where -e is ignored, there is nothing you can do to get -e obeyed again, not even a subshell.

$ bash -c 'set -e; if (set -e; false; echo hi); then :; fi; echo $?' 

Even though we called set -e twice (both in the parent and in the subshell), the fact that the subshell exists in a context where -e is ignored (the condition of an if statement), there is nothing we can do in the subshell to re-enable -e.

This behavior is definitely surprising. It is counter-intuitive: one would expect the re-enabling of set -e to have an effect, and that the surrounding context would not take precedent; further, the wording of the POSIX standard does not make this particularly clear. If you read it in the context where the command is failing, the rule does not apply: it only applies in the surrounding context, however, it applies to it completely.

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