bash shell source tcsh – How to Determine the Path to a Sourced tcsh or Bash Shell Script from Within the Script


Is there a way for a sourced shell script to find out the path to itself? I'm mainly concerned with bash, though I have some coworkers who use tcsh.

I'm guessing I may not have a ton of luck here, since sourcing causes commands to be executed in the current shell, so $0 is still the current shell's invocation, not the sourced script. My best thought currently is to do source $script $script, so that the first positional parameter contains the necessary information. Anyone have a better way?

To be clear, I am sourcing the script, not running it:

source foo.bash

Best Answer

In tcsh, $_ at the beginning of the script will contain the location if the file was sourced and $0 contains it if it was run.

set sourced=($_)
if ("$sourced" != "") then
    echo "sourced $sourced[2]"
if ("$0" != "tcsh") then
    echo "run $0"

In Bash:

[[ $0 != $BASH_SOURCE ]] && echo "Script is being sourced" || echo "Script is being run"
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