Shell – Determine dynamically allocated port for OpenSSH RemoteForward


Question (TL;DR)

When assigning ports dynamically for remote forwarding (a.k.a. -R option), how can a script on the remote machine (for instance sourced from .bashrc) determine which ports were chosen by OpenSSH?


I use OpenSSH (on both ends) to connect to our central server, that I share with multiple other users. For my remote session (for now) I would like to forward X, cups and pulseaudio.

The most trivial is forwarding X, using the -X option. The allocated X address is stored in the environmental variable DISPLAY and from that I can determine the corresponding TCP port, in most cases anyways. But I hardly ever need to, because Xlib honors DISPLAY.

I need a similar mechanism for cups and pulseaudio. The basics for both services exist, in the form of the environmental variables CUPS_SERVER and PULSE_SERVER, respectively. Here are usage examples:

ssh -X -R12345:localhost:631 -R54321:localhost:4713 datserver

export CUPS_SERVER=localhost:12345
lowriter #and I can print using my local printer
lpr -P default -o Duplex=DuplexNoTumble minutes.pdf #printing through the tunnel
lpr -H localhost:631 -P default -o Duplex=DuplexNoTumble minutes.pdf #printing remotely

mpg123 mp3s/van_halen/jump.mp3 #annoy co-workers
PULSE_SERVER=localhost:54321 mpg123 mp3s/van_halen/jump.mp3 #listen to music through the tunnel

The problem is setting CUPS_SERVER and PULSE_SERVER correctly.

We use port forwardings a lot and therefore I need dynamic port allocations. Static port allocations are not an option.

OpenSSH has a mechanism for dynamic port allocation on the remote server, by specifying 0 as bind-port for remote forwarding (the -R option). By using the following command, OpenSSH will dynamically allocate ports for cups and pulse forwarding.

ssh -X -R0:localhost:631 -R0:localhost:4713 datserver

When I use that command, ssh will print the following to STDERR:

Allocated port 55710 for remote forward to
Allocated port 41273 for remote forward to

There is the information I want! Ultimately I want to generate:

export CUPS_SERVER=localhost:41273
export PULSE_SERVER=localhost:55710

However the "Allocated port …" messages are created on my local machine and sent to STDERR, which I can't access on the remote machine. Oddly enough OpenSSH does not seem to have means to retrieve Information about port forwardings.

How do I fetch that information to put it into a shell script to adequately set CUPS_SERVER and PULSE_SERVER on the remote host?

Dead Ends

The only easy thing I could find was increasing verbosity of the sshd until that information can be read from the logs. This is not viable as that information discloses a lot more information than is sensible to make accessible by non-root users.

I was thinking about patching OpenSSH to support an additional escape sequence which prints a nice representation of the internal struct permitted_opens, but even if that is what I want, I still can't script accessing the client escape sequences from the server side.

There must be a better way

The following approach seems very unstable and is limited to one such SSH session per user. However, I need at least two concurrent such sessions and other users even more. But I tried …

When the stars are aligned properly, having sacrificed a chicken or two, I can abuse the fact that sshd is not started as my user, but drops privileges after successful login, to do this:

  • get a list of port numbers for all listening sockets that belong to my user

    netstat -tlpen | grep ${UID} | sed -e 's/^.*:\([0-9]\+\) .*$/\1/'

  • get a list of port numbers for all listening sockets that belong to processes my user started

    lsof -u ${UID} 2>/dev/null | grep LISTEN | sed -e 's/.*:\([0-9]\+\) (LISTEN).*$/\1/'

  • All ports that are in the first set, but not in the second set have a high likelyhood to be my forwarding ports, and indeed subtracting the sets yields 41273, 55710 and 6010; cups, pulse and X, respectively.

  • 6010 is identified as the X port using DISPLAY.

  • 41273 is the cups port, because lpstat -h localhost:41273 -a returns 0.
  • 55710 is the pulse port, because pactl -s localhost:55710 stat returns 0. (It even prints the hostname of my client!)

(To do the set substraction I sort -u and store the output from the above command lines and use comm to do the substraction.)

Pulseaudio lets me identify the client and, for all intents and purposes, this may serve as an anchor to separate SSH sessions that need separating. However, I haven't found a way to tie 41273, 55710 and 6010 to the same sshd process. netstat won't disclose that information to non-root users. I only get a - in the PID/Program name column where I would like to read 2339/54 (in this particular instance). So close …

Best Answer

Unfortunately I didn't find your question earlier, but I've just got a really good answer from kamil-maciorowski:

In summary, establish a master connection first, keep that in the background, then issue a second command with -O *ctl_cmd* set to forward to request/setup port forwarding:

ssh -fNMS /path/to/socket user@server

port="$(ssh -S /path/to/socket -O forward -R 0:localhost:22 placeholder)"

This will give you $port on your local machine, and a connection in the background.

You can then use $port locally; or use ssh again to run a command on the remote server, where you can use the same control socket.

As to the flags, these are:

  • -f = Requests ssh to go to background.
  • -N = Do not execute a remote command.
  • -M = Places client into “master” mode, for connection sharing.
  • -S = Location of a control socket for connection sharing.
  • -O = Control an active connection multiplexing master process.

In my case I've added a bit more to keep checking the connection:


# Setup

  set -u;





# Key file

  if [ ! -f "${path_key}" ]; then

    ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -f "${path_key}" -N "";

      # Sends the public key to a central server, also run via cron, so it can be added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
      # curl -s --form-string "pass=${pass}" --form-string "name=$(local_name)" -F "key=@${path_key}.pub" "";


# Lock

  if [ -e "${path_lock}" ]; then
    c=$(pgrep -F "${path_lock}" 2>/dev/null | wc -l);
      # MacOS 10.15.4 does not support "-c" to count processes, or the full "--pidfile" flag.

  if [[ "${c}" -gt 0 ]]; then
    if tty -s; then
      echo "Already running";

  echo "$$" > "${path_lock}";

# Port forward


  while true; do

    # Log cleanup

      if [ ! -f "${path_log}" ]; then
        touch "${path_log}";

      tail -n 30 "${path_log}" > "${path_log}.tmp";

      mv "${path_log}.tmp" "${path_log}";

    # Exit old sockets

      if [ -S "${path_socket}" ]; then

        echo "$(date) : Exit" >> "${path_log}";

        ssh -S "${path_socket}" -O exit placeholder;


    # Lost lock

      if [ ! -e "${path_lock}" ] || ! grep -q "$$" "${path_lock}"; then

        echo "$(date) : Lost Lock" >> "${path_log}";



    # Master connection

      echo "$(date) : Connect ${retry}" >> "${path_log}";

      ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -fNTMS "${path_socket}" -i "${path_key}" "${tunnel_user}@${tunnel_host}" >> "${path_log}" 2>&1;

    # Setup and keep checking the port forwarding


      while ssh -S "${path_socket}" -O check placeholder 2>/dev/null; do

        new_port=$(ssh -S "${path_socket}" -O forward -R "0:localhost:${local_port}" placeholder 2>&1);

        if [[ "${new_port}" -gt 0 ]]; then


          if [[ "${new_port}" -ne "${old_port}" ]]; then

            ssh -i "${path_key}" "${tunnel_user}@${tunnel_host}" " '${new_port}' '${local_name}'" >> "${path_log}" 2>&1;
              # Tell remote server what the port is, and local_name.
              # Don't use socket, it used "-N"; if done, a lost connection keeps sshd running on the remote host, even with ClientAliveInterval/ClientAliveCountMax.

            echo "$(date) : ${new_port}" >> "${path_log}";

            echo "${new_port}" > "${path_port}";


            sleep 1;


            sleep 300; # Looks good, check again in 5 minutes.


        else # Not a valid port number (0, empty string, number followed by an error message, etc?)

          ssh -S "${path_socket}" -O exit placeholder 2>/dev/null;



    # Cleanup

      if [ ! -f "${path_port}" ]; then
        rm "${path_port}";

      echo "$(date) : Disconnected" >> "${path_log}";

    # Delay before next re-try


      if [[ $retry -gt 10 ]]; then
        sleep 180; # Too many connection failures, try again in 3 minutes
        sleep 5;

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