Shell – Delete all files starting with a question mark


I have a folder in which I have around 4k files. Some of these files start with a a ? or ! character. I need to delete them but can't find an expression that would do so:

rm -f ./?*

just deletes everything. I can possibly use grep on ls and pipe it through xargs and move files to another folder but I was hoping there was a proper way of doing this. Need help on both the ? and ! files.

Best Answer

No need for any fancy stuff. Simply escape the ? so that it's not considered part of the glob:

rm -f ./\?*

This works for ! too:

rm -f ./\!*

Or in one fell swoop:

rm -f ./{\?,\!}*


Just noticed that you were suggesting to grep the output of ls. I wanted to bring your attention to the fact that you shouldn't parse the output of ls

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