Shell Script – Count Files in a Directory by Extension


For the purpose of testing, I'd like count how many images files are inside a directory, separating each image file type by file extension (jpg="yes". This because later it will be useful for another script that will execute an action on each file extension). Can I use something like the following for only JPEG files?

count=`ls -1 *.jpg 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
if [ $count != 0 ]
echo jpg files found: $count ; jpg="yes"

Considering file extensions jpg, png, bmp, raw and others, should I use a while cycle to do this?

Best Answer

I'd suggest a different approach, avoiding the possible word-splitting issues of ls


shopt -s nullglob

for ext in jpg png gif; do 
  files=( *."$ext" )
  printf 'number of %s files: %d\n' "$ext" "${#files[@]}"

  # now we can loop over all the files having the current extension
  for f in "${files[@]}"; do
    # anything else you like with these files


You can loop over the files array with any other commands you want to perform on the files of each particular extension.

More portably - or for shells that don't provide arrays explicitly - you could re-use the shell's positional parameter array i.e.

set -- *."$ext"

and then replace ${#files[@]} and ${files[@]} with $# and "$@"