Shell – Calling scripts from inside other scripts


I have a script which I call every 10 minutes with a cronjob:

*/10 * * * * ~/mydirectory/

Now, inside ~/mydirectory there is also another script, let's say which I'd like to call from inside Both scripts have been chmod'ed to be executable and when I execute from the command line inside ~/mydirectory everything works fine. I execute it as follows:


But it doesn't look like the cronjob works. When I remove the reference to the second script from inside the primary script, it works though so I suspect there is something wrong with the way I reference the second script. This is what the contents of looks like:

#! /bin/bash

Could it be that, when the cronjob runs, the current directory is not ~/mydirectory and so the cronjob can't find the file? If so, how to I get it to see the file? I don't want to specify the absolute path inside the primary script as I might want to move it (and to another directory at some point or I might want to rename ~/mydirectory at some point and I don't then want to have to change the contents of to reference the new absolute path.

BONUS QUESTION: Right now, when it's time for the cronjob to execute I basically just hold thumbs and hope for the best but I have no way of seeing whether it was successful and if it failed, why it failed. Any tips on how I can see why the cronjob didn't execute as expected?

Best Answer

OK, so glenn jackman's answer works and it also answered my bonus question but I have since figured out another and what I believe to be more elegant way of making sure the cronjob runs in the directory in which the scripts are located.

Simply by replacing

*/10 * * * * ~/mydirectory/


*/10 * * * * cd ~/mydirectory && ./

And that solves the problem. Everything works.

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