Shell – Bash Script – Get result of `(.*)` (dot star) in grep regex

grepregular expressionshell-script

Let's say I have the following JSON string in a Bash script variable, DATA:

    "id": 10,
    "name": "Person 1",
    "note": "This is a test"

I need to get the value of the name field. I have used grep like this:

NAME=$(echo "$DATA" | grep -E "\"name\": \"(.*)\"")

However, this returns "name": "Person 1". I need Person 1. How can I get the result of just the (.*)?

Best Answer

You can do this easily with jq:

$ DATA='{
    "id": 10,
    "name": "Person 1",
    "note": "This is a test"
$ jq -r '.name' <<<"$DATA"
Person 1

In general, it's best to avoid regex for parsing structured data such as html, json, and yaml.

To accomplish this with grep, you need to use PCRE to leverage look-aheads and look-behinds:

$ echo $DATA | grep -Po '(?<="name": ").*(?=")'
Person 1
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