Shell – Bash – pair each line of file

shell-scripttext processing

This question is strongly related to this and this question. I have a file that contains several lines where each line is a path to a file. Now I want to pair each line with each different line (not itself). Also a pair A B is equal to a B A pair for my purposes, so only one of these combinations should be produced.


files.dat reads like this in a shorthand notation, each letter is a file path (absolute or relative)


Then my result should look something like this:

a b
a c
a d
a e
b c
b d
b e
c d
c e
d e

Preferrably I would like to solve this in bash. Unlike the other questions, my file list is rather small (about 200 lines), so using loops and RAM capacity
pose no problems.

Best Answer

Use this command:

awk '{ name[$1]++ }
    END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"
        for (v1 in name) for (v2 in name) if (v1 < v2) print v1, v2 }
        ' files.dat

PROCINFO may be a gawk extension.  If your awk doesn’t support it, just leave out the PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc" line and pipe the output into sort (if you want the output sorted).

(This does not require the input to be sorted.)

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