Shell – awk: forcing a return status

awkshell-scripttext processing

This is a followup to my earlier question.

I am validating the number of fields in /etc/passwd using this handy snippit. In the following example, the users 'fieldcount1' and 'fieldcount2' have the wrong number of fields:

$ awk -F: ' NF!=7 {print}' /etc/passwd
$ echo $?

As you'll notice, awk will exit with an return status of 0. From it's standpoint, there are no problems here.

I would like to incorporate this awk statement into a shell script. I would like to print all lines which are error, and set the return code to be 1 (error).

I can try to force a particular exit status, but then awk only prints a single line:

$ awk -F: ' NF!=7 {print ; exit 1}' /etc/passwd
$ echo $?

Can I force awk to exit with a return status of '1', and print all lines which match?

Best Answer

Keep the status in a variable and use it in an END block.

awk -F: 'NF != 7 {print; err = 1}
         END {exit err}' /etc/passwd
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