Shell – Add lines to files to make them equal length

awkcsvfilesshell-scripttext processing

I have a bunch of .csv files with N columns and different number of rows (lines). I would like to add as many empty lines ;...; (N semicolons) to make them the same length. I can get the length of the longest file manually but it would also be good to get this done automatically.

For example:

I have,


128; pep; 93; 22:22:10; 3; 11
127; qep; 93; 12:52:10; 3; 15
171; pep; 73; 22:26:10; 3; 72


128; pep; 93; 22:22:10; 3; 11
127; qep; 93; 12:52:10; 3; 15
121; fng; 96; 09:42:10; 3; 52
141; gep; 53; 21:22:10; 3; 62
171; pep; 73; 22:26:10; 3; 72
221; ahp; 93; 23:52:10; 3; 892


121; fng; 96; 09:42:10; 3; 52
171; pep; 73; 22:26:10; 3; 72
221; ahp; 93; 23:52:10; 3; 892
141; gep; 53; 21:22:10; 3; 62

I need,


128; pep; 93; 22:22:10; 3; 11
127; qep; 93; 12:52:10; 3; 15
171; pep; 73; 22:26:10; 3; 72


128; pep; 93; 22:22:10; 3; 11
127; qep; 93; 12:52:10; 3; 15
121; fng; 96; 09:42:10; 3; 52
141; gep; 53; 21:22:10; 3; 62
171; pep; 73; 22:26:10; 3; 72
221; ahp; 93; 23:52:10; 3; 892


121; fng; 96; 09:42:10; 3; 52
171; pep; 73; 22:26:10; 3; 72
221; ahp; 93; 23:52:10; 3; 892
141; gep; 53; 21:22:10; 3; 62

Best Answer

Thanks @Sparhawk for the suggestions in the comments, I update based on those,


rr=($(wc -l files*pattern.txt |  awk '{print $1}' | sed '$ d'))
max=$(echo "${rr[*]}" | sort -nr | head -n1)
for name in files*pattern.txt;do
    lineNumber=$(wc -l < $name)
    let missing=max-lineNumber
        echo $emptyLine >> $name

Well, not elegand nor efficient. Actually, it takes a couple of seconds which sounds an eternity given the small size of the data. Nevertheless it works,


rr=($(wc -l files*pattern.txt |  awk '{print $1}' | sed '$ d'))
max=$(echo "${rr[*]}" | sort -nr | head -n1)
for name in $(ls files*pattern.txt);do
    lineNumber=$(cat $name | wc -l )
    let missing=max-lineNumber
        echo $emptyLine >> $name

I just put this file together in the directory where I have the files provided that there is a pattern I can use to list them with files*pattern.txt

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