Shell – Access the most recent file in (alphabetically sorted) directory

command linefilesshelltimestampswildcards

I'm trying to open a file with vim from the command line, the file is in a directory filled with automatically generated files that are prepended with a time stamp. Since I don't know the time stamps off the top of my head, I would just like to open the most recent one in the directory (also the last one in the list alphabetically).

vim ./my_dir/<last_item>

Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

This is really a job for zsh.

vim my_dir/*(om[1])

The bits in parentheses are glob qualifiers. The * before is a regular glob pattern, for example if you wanted to consider only log files you could use *.log. The o glob qualifier changes the order in which the matches are sorted; om means sort by modification time, most recent first. The [ glob qualifier means to only return some of the matches: [1] returns the first match, [2,4] return the next three, [-2,-1] return the last two and so on. If the files have names that begin with their timestamp, *([1]) will suffice.

In other shells, there's no good way to pick the most recent file. If your file names don't contain unprintable characters or newlines, you can use

vim "$(ls -t mydir | head -n 1)"

If you want to pick the first or last file based on the name, there is a fully reliable and portable method, which is a bit verbose for the command line but perfectly serviceable in scripts.

set -- mydir/*
eval "last_file_name=\${$#}"