Windows – Sharing folder from Windows Host to Freebsd Guest


What I am trying to accomplish:

  • I have (at home) a PC with Windows 7 installed
  • I would like to run a Unix in Virtual Box, because I am more used to developing / scripting on it

I settled on Freebsd at the moment, and I managed to install it and configure the network. The next step is sharing a folder from Windows to Freebsd so that I can easily edit files on Windows and on Freebsd both. Unfortunately it seems a though thing to do.

I rummaged on the net and found two different ways:

I installed the guest additions in freebsd using pkg_add -r virtualbox-ose-additions, the install proceeded switfly enough, and I edited /etc/rc.conf to add the two suggested lines: vboxguest_enable="YES" and vboxservice_enable="YES" and rebooted.

It did not work. The command to mount the system ends up in an error:

# mount -t vboxsf shared /home/myuser/shared
mount: shared : Operation not supported by device

where shared is the name of the folder I setup in my virtual box settings for this VM.

Is it actually possible to use a vboxsf filesystem type in freebsd ? Some comments seem to suggest it is not supported but finding up-to-date information is difficult.

Next, I moved on to the samba approach. I basically followed the guide I linked it. Unfortunately it ends up with:

# mount_smbfs -N -I //winuser@winmachinename/Shared /mnt/shared
mount_smbfs: unable to open connection: syserr = RPC struct is bad

where Shared is the name of the shared folder I configured with windows, accessible to the winuser obviously. The ping works.

I would like to note that I have no password on the windows guest account I am trying to connect at, it seemed easier, but perhaps that it's bothering samba somehow.

edit: working from PuTTY I had not seen that some messages were printed in the console:

smb_maperror: Unmapped error 3:31
smb_co_lock: recursive lock for object 1

both appear several times. /end of edit

If the direct filesytem sharing does not work, any idea how to get samba to do it ? The article suggest it's already be done by some at least.

Technical information:

  • Host: Windows 7 Familial Edition (up-to-date)
  • Guest: FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan 3 07:15:25 UTC 2012 i386
  • Virtual Box: 4.1.16 r78094

I am open to new suggestions to sharing as well. I would if possible prefer avoiding transferring files back and forth: it's not particularly efficient and always a source of confusing errors.

I am also open to changing systems. I like the philosophy of freebsd, but if it does not work, I have no qualms about moving to a linux.


This question is now purely of theoretical interest. I switch to using Ubuntu Server and managed to set it up without samba since vboxsf is well supported.

Best Answer

VirtualBox shared folders are still not suppported on FreeBSD.

A FreeBSD ports committer has confirmed this on the FreeBSD mailing lists as of (2014-06-24):

Shared Folders for FreeBSD guests are not supported yet [...] There is some draft code and a kernel module for it but it's not working yet.

If you want to follow the state of the port, please search the mailing lists. There is also the #freebsd-vbox IRC channel on Freenode. It was posted to the freebsd-hackers mailing list at the bottom of this post. You will find developers there.

Finally, here is what the virtualbox-ose-additions port currently supports according to Chapter 22.2 of the FreeBSD Handbook as of today:

The VirtualBox™ guest additions provide support for:

  • Clipboard sharing.
  • Mouse pointer integration.
  • Host time synchronization.
  • Window scaling.
  • Seamless mode.

As you can see, no shared folders support yet for FreeBSD.

Chapter 4.3 of the VirtualBox manual states:

Shared Folders are supported with Windows (2000 or newer), Linux and Solaris guests.

Yet again no FreeBSD. Use SMB shares for now, following the instructions that others have mentioned.

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