Sharing an X server (session) across computers


I have 2 computers (both running linux) and I'm currently using synergy to use them. This is great, but now I'm wondering, is there any way (is it possible? being worked on? tried and failed? definitely not possible?) to not only share a mouse/keyboard/clipboard between the computers, but to share an X session? What I'm thinking is being able to drag X windows between monitors.

I realize that this is extremely non-trivial to do and I know enough about linux (though not about xserver) that I'd like to pursue this idea even if there's nothing that does this for you.

Also, I don't need to be able to just "install this and it works". I'm completely willing (and would be surprised if it didn't require) to install custom kernals, or mount partitions between machines, or whatever it takes. Since I assume it would require the same instance of xorg server running on both machines.

Best Answer

You could look into xpra - it's not quite as smooth as you describe (no dragging between X servers) but it will give you the ability to start a program on one machine and then later detach it and reattach it on another machine. (Think of it as screen for GUI applications.)

It's difficult to get tighter integration than that, because the process is still tied to the machine you start the program on, and process migration is a really hard problem.

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