Setxkbmap switches between 2 out of 3 layouts


Issuing that command:

setxkbmap -layout "us,ua,ru" -variant ",winkeys" -option "grp:shift_caps_toggle,grp_led:scroll" -model pc105 -rules xorg

When hitting Caps Lock+Shift I'm switching between English (us) and Ukrainian (ua) layouts, but not Russian (ru).

I've tried to reset it with the following command:

setxkbmap -layout "us,ua,ru" -option ""

and played with many different options – nothing helps.

My system is Gentoo Linux and window manager wmii.

Best Answer

I tested your command (I had to add "-keycodes evdev" to handle my arrow keys, but that is irrelevant), and I could cycle trough the three layouts.

Could it be that Caps+Shift is intercepted by the window manager ?

You can also issue the command: xkbcomp $DISPLAY somefile.txt(or xkbcomp $DISPLAY - | less) and look that CAPS is defined like this:

key <CAPS> {         [       Caps_Lock,  ISO_Next_Group ] };

look if the dump of xkbcomp changes when you change the keyboard layout with Caps+Shift (it should not!)

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