Setuid and Setgid – Understanding Setuid and Setgid Confusion


I'm trying to fully grasp the concept of setuid and setgid, and I'm not quite sure in what way permissions are actually elevated. Let me provide an example:


userA (groups: userA groupA)
userB (groups: userB groupB GroupC)


Permission owner group  filename
-rws-----x userA groupD file
-rwsrws--x userA groupD file2

If userB executes file and file2, what group permission will the executables have? What I'm not completely sure about, is whether the executable gains user/group permissions of both the caller and the file owner, or if permissions are "replaced".

I know this is a silly example, as setuid and setgid will normally be used to envoke "all-powerful" applications, but I hope this example will be better at actually conceptualizing how setuid and setgid works.

Best Answer

setuid sets the effective uid euid. setgid set the effective gid egid.

In both cases the callers uids and gids will stay in place. So roughly you can say that you will get that uid/gid in addition to the callers uid and (active) gid.

Some programs can differentiate that very well.

If you log into a system, then su to root and then issue a who am i you will see your "old" account.

su is one of these suid-binaries, that will change the euid.

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