Setting headers using the /bin/mail command


I have a bash script that I use with nagios that sends notifications by email. The key part of it looks like this:

# $1 (FROM) | $2 (TO) | $3 (SUBJECT) | $4 (BODY)
/usr/bin/printf "%b" "$4" | /bin/mail -s "$3" "$2" -- -f $1

I know I could use the sendmail command directly (like this) but it would mean reworking a few scripts to take care of building the entire message including all headers.

Is there any way to specify additional SMTP headers using /bin/mail, in my own case I am trying to add the Importance: high header?

I'm running exim 4.63 as my MTA and CentOS 5.6 x64.

Best Answer

There are many different versions of mail (see Mail vs. mail what is the difference and the Heirloom project's write-up on the different versions of mail).

If you want to keep your sanity, I recommend avoiding any tool whose name is too close to mail. Mutt is a lean text mode mail client which is often available, very flexible, and behaves the same everywhere.

mutt -H - "$2" <<EOF
From: $1
To: $2
Subject: $3
Importance: high
