Set pulseaudio sample rate for a single source


I have a Logitech C310 webcam, which pulseaudio believes has a sample rate of 48 kHz. However, the hardware only works at 16 kHz. Most applications will try to use the 16 Khz audio at 48 kHz, resulting in a high-pitched squirrel or chipmunk sound.

This happens across a range of applications, and in Windows as well. How do I force pulseaudio to use the source at a 16 kHz sample rate?

Best Answer

I was looking for the same answer, for the same camera. I found it in the pulse-cli-syntax manpage. I had to add a line to my /etc/pulse/

update-source-proplist alsa_input.usb-046d_081b_FD644020-02.analog-mono format=s16le rate=16000 

Edit, didn't work. The only thing I can think of is turning off udev and loading modules manually

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